About The Serial Chillers

The Story of Cromulent Jesse and Hella Greg

The Xbox Days

The Beginning of an idea

Greg and Jesse spent countless hours playing video games on xbox live, whether they lived in the same town or separated by a few hours. Nothing made either laugh harder than the bullshit the joked about each night, they thought why not try a podcast?!

Anxious Extroverts

The Beginning We Needed

Greg and Jess record their first podcast. Although they are proud, they're realistic. They know they have something, but they know that this isn't it and ceased recording after nearly 40 episodes.

Serial Chillers

The Idea that got us here today!

After some time off, ideas began to be thrown around. With some inspiration from a few podcasts and trivia shows the Serial Chillers Podcast was born in May of 2017, to bring you all of the serial killers, true crime, dark, creepy, unsolved and otherwise mysterious cases in a way you could digest and still laugh about.

A Sad Goodbye

but not forever

In October of 2019 the Serial Chillers announced they were hanging up their microphones for good. It was a sad but necessary move that would turn out to be a lot shorter than forever. 3 years later, from the ashes rises the New Serial Chillers Podcast. New episodes resume October 28, 2022.

Hella Greg

Co-Host/Producer/Editor/Leader of what has been called "Totally not a cult"

Hella Greg is a talented producer and editor despite what he says about himself. The show would not be where it is without him, and his ambition to keep things going. Those of you who are happy for the return should thank Hella Greg because it is returning , in large part, to ideas and support he provided while we were away. Greg loves his wife, hockey, his cats and dogs, adult animated television, video games and a crisp high five.

Cromulent Jesse


Jesse puts the ideas to paper and gets them out there so that Hella Greg can take them and make them something worth listening to. Reading books and writing outlines are all in a days work for this host! Jesse is a dedicated husband and father to children and pets alike, fan of shitty horror films, and lover of video games and golf!

The Move

Cromulent Jesse Moves to the East Coast

After years of debate and planning, cromulent Jesse and his family move to the East Coast, in upstate South Carolina to be exact. Thus setting up Serial Chillers East (Jesse's new, mostly solo, studio). The show may going through changes but nothing these two can't handle.

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